Autonomic Response Testing
Now you can access cutting-edge diagnostics and highly personalized treatments for holistic healing.
Autonomic Response Testing (ART) is an innovative, sensitive, and nuanced biofeedback testing method that identifies chronic infections, organ impairment, system imbalances, and toxicity in the body. ART identifies the most effective remedies and treatments needed to address these issues, and clarifies the priority for treatment.
With ART, achieve breakthrough results and reclaim your vitality.
Real-World Examples
Cheri's Story
"Before ART, due to a toxic mold exposure, I was experiencing severe pain in my joints, histamine reactions to most foods which led to tremendous weight loss and ongoing digestive issues, constant fatigue, shingles-like rashes, tooth pain, tingling in my extremities, anxiety (or maybe just fear) and nervous system dysregulation. I couldn’t tolerate most treatments or supplements, which left me disabled and confined to bed. I became stuck and didn’t know where to turn.
Other testing showed that I was experiencing Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (where there is a histamine release in the body due to pathogens and often associated with Mold toxicity). I was able to make some progress, but soon plateaued. Dr. McCarthy also suspected a Lyme component but testing was inconclusive.
Fortunately, I was introduced to ART. ART uncovered dental infections in root canals and wisdom teeth sockets where my dental care providers could not find any. Lyme co-infections were also a part of the puzzle and these can be hard to detect with testing. ART showed what we should work on first, and a prioritized treatment plan was developed. For me, this included brain retraining as my brain also seemed to be “stuck”, preventing my body from healing.
The treatment plans from my ART included supplements and remedies that I could tolerate much better. Within the first couple of months, my histamine and digestive issues started to ease, allowing me to eat a wide variety of foods again that had previously affected me. My energy improved and my joint pain lessened. I am so grateful as this allowed me to spend precious time helping care for a new grandson.
I have continued to do ART and my healing has continued too. ART is an invaluable tool—without it, I would still be stuck, and I would have missed the chance for special bonding time with my grandson. I’m now able to do most activities again and I have my life back."
Dylan's Story
Before ART, I felt trapped in several ways. Severe internal inflammation confined me to the bathroom for most of the day, making it impossible to eat more than one small meal a day for months at a time. Exhaustion was my norm, leaving me too drained to even consider leaving my unhealthy environment.
Though I had undergone other tests, they only provided partial relief. While they helped identify foods I could eat without getting sick and pinpointed the main underlying cause of my symptoms. While I was no longer vomiting multiple times a day or requiring hospitalization for dehydration, I had reached a plateau. Although I could function better with improved hydration and clearer thinking due to supplements, life remained unmanageable.
ART revealed a treatment plan of remedies and combinations of supplements and medications I hadn't considered, which ultimately proved incredibly effective.
Implementing the ART plan has transformed my life. I now enjoy two full meals a day and have enough energy to exercise a few times a week. Without ART, I would likely still be trapped in my previous living conditions, constantly exhausted and confused.
Since implementing the ART plan, life has significantly improved. I've been able to make it to holiday events and see family I hadn't been able to see in years. I moved to a better living environment and I've regained lost muscle mass. My improved ability to communicate has improved my family relationships. I’ve even regained enough energy to go back to school and pursue a career, which before ART was completely unthinkable.
ART was developed by pioneering physician Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, incorporating principles uncovered by cardiologist and researcher Dr. Yoshiaki Omura MD and biophotonics researcher Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp. This test method assesses the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), enabling reception of direct feedback regarding the specific stressors and supportive treatments needed to move back into a state of health.
The ANS governs essential bodily functions like heart rate, blood pressure, detoxification, digestion, cellular biochemical detoxification pathways, and brain activity, and does so without conscious input. It includes both the “fight or flight” (sympathetic) and “rest and digest” (parasympathetic) nervous systems.
The ANS can recognize the emitted electromagnetic energy, or resonant frequency, of various substances brought near the body and reacts differently depending on whether it perceives those substances as threats, neutral, or supportive. When a substance is threatening, the fight or flight response is triggered, which has an impact on muscle strength and can be detected using ART.
ART excels in pinpointing stressors affecting ANS function, including:
Environmental toxins such as heavy metals and pesticides
Infections including bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses
Allergies and sensitivities to foods and environmental allergens
Hormonal and neurotransmitter imbalances
Hidden focal infections such as dental issues
In this way, the body communicates what it needs to heal.
Key Aspects of ART
Direct resonance, a concept initially formulated in New York by Dr. Yoshiaki Omura, stems from early nuclear physics research documented by Stanford University. This idea revolves around the examination of diverse substances to ascertain their presence within the body. When a substance like food, toxins, heavy metals, bacteria, etc., is brought near the body, it resonates with that specific substance only if it exists in the body.
German Professor Fritz Albert Popp, Ph.D., and earlier research from Russian have brought to light that every living organism emits highly polarized light. In a healthy living cell, this light undergoes polarization. However, disruptions in the health of a cell, a group of cells, or organs result in changes in the polarization angle and coherence, or organization, of this light. Changes in the polarization and light coherence of a cell/organ signify that the cells of that specific organ can no longer effectively communicate with the trillions of other cells in the body. This breakdown sets the stage for dysfunction and the onset of illness. ART testing incorporates the use of a polarization filter and signal enhancers to harness this knowledge to clarify and strengthen the biofeedback information received from the body.
In addition, ART assesses a crucial regulatory issue that can occur in the body called Neurogenic Switching. Neurogenic switching occurs due to disruptions in neurological organization. Similar to the Earth's electrical currents, your body has positive and negative poles. Switching happens when these poles reverse, impeding communication between brain and nerve cells.
The Process of ART

During an ART session, the patient comfortably sits or, in some cases, lies down, and the physician evaluates the patient’s autonomic nervous system's regulatory condition.
Testing can be done directly, but like an electrical current in a circuit, the signal from the ANS can be transmitted to a testing assistant touching the patient, which results in even more consistent and accurate results.
Next, issues related to blocked regulation or neurogenic switching are addressed. Then, the body's response to various stressors is evaluated, and organ stress is identified.
Based on these findings, various treatments are tested and identified, resulting in a highly personalized protocol to restore balance to the body.
Optimal progress in health restoration is made when ART is done sequentially, to address the layers of imbalances.
A treatment plan is best followed for approximately 3 months, and then ART is repeated and a new treatment plan is instituted.
Progress can clearly be seen as responses to stressors decrease in severity and resolve, and previous treatments are no longer needed.
In the event that a treatment plan is not able to be carried out, testing will generally continue to show the same needs arising until properly addressed.
The Role of ART alongside Lab Results
While laboratory tests are invaluable in diagnosing patients, they usually do not provide a comprehensive picture. ART complements traditional lab testing, offering additional insights. It addresses limitations in diagnosing conditions such as stealth infections, which contribute significantly to chronic illnesses and are often under-diagnosed by standard lab tests.
In summary, Autonomic Response Testing is a powerful and sophisticated diagnostic tool that, when combined with good clinical history taking and lab assessment, can yield powerfully effective results.